Welcome to the Town of Groton, Connecticut


Recommended Books
How to Be an Antiracist  by Ibriam X. Kendi 
So You Want to Talk About Race by Ijeoma Oluo
A Terrible Thing to Waste:  Environmental Racism and Its Assault on the American Mind by Harriet Washington 
A Guide to Gender by Sam Killermann

Movies/Documentaries Series 
Selma directed by Ava DuVernay 
Malcolm X directed by Spike Lee
When They See Us directed by Aba Duvernay (available on Netflix) 
I Am Not Your Negro narrated by James Balwin 

 1619 from the New York Times 
Intersectionality Matters from the African American Policy Forum 
Throughline from NPR 

Ted talks/Youtube
The difference between being not racist and antiracist
The danger of a single story
The urgency of intersectionality


The LGBTQIABCs: A Guide To Gender And Sexuality Terms
Racial Equity Resource Guide
Moving Beyond Diversity Toward Racial Equity
BIPOC-What does it mean?

Downloadable Documents
TCC LGBTQ+ Terminology
TCC LGBTQ+ Gender Journey Worksheet 
TCC LGBTQ+ Allyship Packet